My husband’s job of 14 years, not the tics. (Got you excited, didn’t I?)
Before you all go telling me how sorry you about the big sad scary loss, let me tell you that this is the best thing that has ever happened to us. He was OVER his job. With the new changes comes new opportunities for us as a family — GREAT opportunities. We walk the kids to school every day, pick them up together, shop together, cook together and hang out all the time. It’s awesome.
No work for him means I get to go back to work! I’ve started writing 2 times/week for an old producer who has 3 shows up for a series. There is talk of her hiring me full time for production on the set. But first … I need a sample script. Which I don’t have — not an updated one. Still, she read my book and thinks that would be a great sample script as all the material is there.
And yet … yet … as awesome as that all sounds, I would really like to publish the Mommoir sucker first. Plus I have a full time job interview tomorrow for a decent company because, well, I hear health benefits are kind of important!
I tell you all this because, for some reason, I am not in fear at all. It’s been nothing but hopeful joy and expectation. I swear, TS taught me that. I have really learned to live with uncertainty and to create my own norm. It took a while, but how wonderful it is here!
Stink’s tics are pretty low, though there are some vocals now. (I’m thinking a week of Halloween parties, gluten, school, tests and a pending Disneyland Trip are the culprit. Ya think?)
Keeping this short, but wanted to thank you all for your wonderful comments and support. I could not be so balanced without you. I hope I have given you as much centering as you have given me.
So, on a Halloween note, let’s take a show of hands: Who is letting their kids just go plum crazy on Tic Trick or Treat and stuff themselves full of more candy than we have complaints about TS?