EDITOR’S NOTE: This is TSParentsOnline’s 200th blog post since operations commenced on November, 7, 2011. Thank you to everyone who has helped get the blog this far!
Hi, hope you are all well. The reason I decided to make this “Tourette Syndrome: The Facts” video was to counteract negative tweets on Twitter that stem from my struggle with TS when out in public. I find that with the use of the Internet, I can still raise awareness of Tourette, so when I see misinformed tweets about TS, I try to post the video with the hash tag Tourette.
All the photos are taken by me and are made up of photos of our children, as well local sights. The video and music is put together with the help of my friend Cliff (@cliffsull on Twitter). He doesn’t have TS but is a great guy and helps raise awareness.
I have a new project going at the moment, and it is getting this video TS translated into different languages. The first language is Chinese, as I always think how difficult life must be living with TS in different countries. And in a country with a population of almost 2 billion people, I’m sure there must be a lot of folks struggling to find acceptance or understanding of our condition.
So watch this space, watch the video and look for a link to a recent documentary we made about living with late onset of tics, which includes John Davidson, Chopper, my family and lil’ old me. :) Many thanks!