Tourette research helps families, but we need more of it!

Awareness. Acceptance. Action. Advocacy. All needed when it comes to informing people about Tourette Syndrome at the national, regional, state and local level. Our Facebook page (give us a “like”! :) ) is dedicated toward these very things, especially when it comes to supporting the proposed federal Tourette Syndrome legislation.

Yes, we have a request of you. And no, it won’t take more than just a few seconds. If creating a better future for children with Tourette Syndrome is important to you, then there should be no reason why you don’t click here and support the proposed federal Tourette Syndrome legislation.

You can leave your Congressional representative a note just like this one and show them that Tourette Syndrome legislation is important to you, just like it is in the beautiful state of Washington:

NancyLouiseFroh in Washington’s 6th District

I now realize that my uncle, who served in WWII, must have had Tourette Syndrome. Over the years, we noticed that he would make inappropriate and loud noises at various times. He would try and cover it up like it was a joke, but now I can see he must have suffered greatly from this condition. In those days, they really didn’t know that much about this condition. My uncle has passed away several years ago, but seeing my granddaughter with similar inappropriate noises, it must be a gene passed down through the family. My grandfather’s sister was placed in a mental institution at age 18. I now wonder if she suffered from this, too. She remained there until she passed away (in her 70s). My heart goes out to her, because she must have suffered greatly, too. I’m so glad that research will now move forward to find a cure and its cause. It is about time.

My granddaughter is Jennifer Smestad, Miss Arizona. She is now leading a very positive and productive life because Chinese acupuncture has made a big difference in her life. She has been in remission, since her treatments along with Chinese medicine. Jennifer is trying to make a difference for those suffering with this condition by her continued advocacy in awareness, as well as finding a cure and a cause.

Also, be sure to read this awesome take on the legislation from KateE, who does an amazing job with the Tourette Syndrome Awareness Movement page on Facebook!

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