2013 was a big year for the TS community both in Canada and internationally. Here’s the TSFC’s list of the biggest TS moments of 2013. Do they match yours?
13. Former Idol Contestant James Durbin Releases First Single from Second Album
12. Man with TS Kicked Off Plane for Vocal Tic
11. Carlos Guevara Wins Hearts on X Factor
10. Young Man Faces Eviction for Tics, TSFC Weighs In
9. The 5th Annual Trek for Tourette Brings Canada Together For a Day
8. The DSM-5 Releases New Diagnostic Criteria for TS
7. “Building Your Toolbox” at the National Conference on Tourette Syndrome Plus in Mississauga, Ontario
6. The Film “Perfect” Broadcasts Nationally on CBC
5. Scientists Publish Breakthrough Report on Genetic Architecture of TS
4. The 2nd Annual Tourette Hero Contest Takes TS Awareness to New Heights
3. Dan Aykroyd Goes Public with His TS
2. Scientists Uncover Mechanism That Controls Tics
1. The Twitterverse Gets TS for a Day with “Surrender Your Say”
What do you think the biggest TS moment was this year? Leave a comment below.