Tic with joy

One of my resolutions this year is to write more, both at this blog to support other moms and for my career.

With that in mind, I reached out to my local papers with a pitch I had. They both accepted it. It was to interview Cathy Rigby — of gymnast fame — who is starring as Peter Pan at the Pantages in Los Angeles.

What started out as an interview for press purposes quickly became a 15-minute encounter with a woman who is short in height but high in spirit. I don’t know what to say other than “She gets it.” She is a big believer in allowing our kids to fail to build life skills. She promotes the journey, not the destination. She doesn’t believe that we ever have to stop transforming and stop building on what we have.

In addition to my article being published in local papers, I published it on my own blog here. I figure, slowly but surely, I will build up a reserve of quality articles and stories that give me more opportunity to work for myself instead of editors.

It will give me the chance to surround myself with more quality artists like Cathy Rigby. It will allow me to focus on the positive in the human spirit, not just the buzz of the celebrity bandwagon.

Like Tourette Syndrome (or any kind of diagnosis in our children), it’s so important to focus on the gifts that come our way — not just the “flaws” that we want to fix.

Life itself is messy, sticky and gooey. We can do our best to cure what we can, but at some point, we have to accept what is. Like Peter Pan, we must choose to soar above it.

“But how? How do I do it?” you might wail.

To which I will tell you, “One day at a time. One tic at a time. With the support of other Lost Boys (and Girls) like yourself who are willing to do the extra work to find the peace of Neverland. And a little bit of joy…which I’ll call pixie dust.”

My pixie dust is my writing, which is really connection with others. What is yours?

And, as always, hug that ticker of yours today! If you can’t fix the tics, fix yourself!

I recently went to Opening Night of Peter Pan with my daughter. I enjoyed spending some quality time with her, a good show, the kindness of strangers when she inevitably fell asleep at the end of the second act and I needed someone to help me to my car, and a good cup of coffee that got me home to my other darlings.

Love you all. It’s going to be OK!


  1. @ TS Mum- Thanks! I am glad my post helped you out today. I must take my own advice. Having a very down day. Though not about tics – just crud being HARD. Aaaackkkk… can’t win them all. Hugs to you, TS MUM!

  2. “Like Tourette Syndrome (or any kind of diagnosis in our children), it’s so important to focus on the gifts that come our way — not just the “flaws” that we want to fix. Life itself is messy, sticky and gooey. We can do our best to cure what we can, but at some point, we have to accept what is. Like Peter Pan, we must choose to soar above it.”

    This is incredible advice! Good on ya Andrea! This is advice that people should take for their lives in general, not just if they have TS or know someone who does.

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