3 things to report:
- Tics are totally gone again. Amazing and so happy about that!
- We met James Durbin at a local concert.
- Refer to No. 2!
As you can tell from the photo, he was quite nervous as he was about to perform. Me? I’m clearly kind of happy about it. Stink and Pip? It basically went like this:
Stink: “Mom, I’m playing pool!”
Me: “But don’t you want to take a pic with James Durbin?”
Stink: ”After I’m done playing pool.”
Pip: “He is NOT your boyfriend.”
Me: “You little Shhhhts! Get over here!”
So they did. Ah, I was happy. More to come! For the record, I really don’t have a crush on James Durbin. For gluten-free sake, he’s literally half my age. I’m just happy to see a kid who didn’t have it easy growing up and yet is so comfortable with himself. He is just such a rock star – literally.
And while his heavy metal music is not my thing, his spirit and tenacity make him my little American Idol! And his voice? Wow. Can’t wait to see him cast in a Broadway show one day. (Hopefully my show!) Just goes to prove that T.S. or not, our kids can be who they are meant to be! Yeah, James!
James is my hero. I am an over 70’s great grandmother and if any of my family had half his spunk and drive I would be so proud and happy. This young man has heart and is not afraid to show it. He should have won idols, but America is not ready for a star of his caliber. May his Star rise high and shine bright for years to come.
So happy that you saw in James Durbin what so many of his fans already know!!! That he is an amazing human being with an awesome voice and against incredible odds has become a true Rock Star and inspiration to many..old and young alike!!! Broadway…he would set that stage ON FIRE!!!!!!