Tourette research helps families, but we need more of it!

Awareness. Acceptance. Action. Advocacy. All needed when it comes to informing people about Tourette Syndrome at the national, regional, state and local level. Our Facebook page (give us a “like”! ) is dedicated toward these very things, especially when it… Continue Reading


Ask Dr. Ticcy: What is the genetic probability of passing on TS?

Dr. Ticcy is a pseudonym for the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada National Office, which draws on information from experts across Canada and beyond to answer questions from the TS community. Please send your questions to tsfc@tourette.ca with the salutation “Dear Dr. Ticcy.” Dear… Continue Reading


“Tourette Syndrome: Coping With Difference” — Autobiography

The following is the beginning of a series of entries that, as a whole, comprise a paper titled “Tourette Syndrome: Coping With Difference” I wrote for a class I am taking at the University of Texas-San Antonio. “It has been… Continue Reading