Time for a blog hop
I bring this long fast to an end to talk about something dear to my heart. No, not tics! Writing! Not only did I just finish a second rewrite of my book where it’s actually being considered by some pretty… Continue Reading
I bring this long fast to an end to talk about something dear to my heart. No, not tics! Writing! Not only did I just finish a second rewrite of my book where it’s actually being considered by some pretty… Continue Reading
Here’s the continuation of my story, which I have posted on here over the past couple of weeks and started on my One Twitch At A Time page on Facebook. Fortunately, Mok was able to brace himself and avoid getting thrown from the… Continue Reading
Tics seem to be up for a lot of folk I know — including my own kid. More vocals — this time kind of a high-pitched squeak. Not really loud, but it is punctuating his sentences big time. The other… Continue Reading
As many of you readers know, I have a little girl I refer to as Pip. She’s a year behind Stink in school. She pretty much worships the ground her brother walks on. This includes not wanting to give up… Continue Reading
Are you thankful for tics this Thanksgiving season? You’re not? When my son was first diagnosed, I wasn’t either. But today, from a place of experience and growth, I am happy for the character building that has come from this… Continue Reading
At an informal parent meeting last Wednesday, I was told to brace myself for the fact that peers would be more important than parents this year. Hairdos would trump propriety, and social obligations would outweigh homework priorities. In my heart… Continue Reading
Each and every case of Tourettes is unique, but we all have similarities, a connection. Sometimes I feel like I want to be separated from TS and OCD, to just be me without having to worry about what I look… Continue Reading
I speak to so many of you worried mamas offline. I was once like you — scared about the future, dreaming of fearful “what-if” scenarios, wondering if my kid jumped up and down in excitement over a surprise Disneyland trip… Continue Reading
The following is the beginning of a series of entries that, as a whole, comprise a paper titled “Tourette Syndrome: Coping With Difference” I wrote for a class I am taking at the University of Texas-San Antonio. “It has been… Continue Reading
Well, here it is, 9:30 a.m. the first day of school 2013, and my 11-year-old daughter is still home and all worked up. It’s difficult for her to foresee a good day when she’s full of fear and anxiety. At… Continue Reading