You can follow me and my son Corey on our Ticsplosion Facebook page. This is our first post on TSParentsOnline since September 2013, but we are happy to be back!
So the boys have state testing coming up and the school won’t let us opt out, which sucks because I don’t believe in standardized testing as there is nothing standard about an individual. We are each of us unique and that is something to be celebrated.
On the note of state tests, it will be a two-hour drive to get to the testing center as the children attend Virtual Academy so if anyone has ideas for keeping the calm in the car and after, please share. Car rides are stressful for Corey on the best days. Heading into testing is going to be a nightmare…
Well, the Virtual Academy screwed up and gave us the wrong day for state assessments so the kids can no longer attend because they missed them. We moved to a much smaller town, though, so putting him in the public school here has been a surprisingly easy transition. He’s doing well and has a lot of friends, no one is bullying him, and his teachers are very understanding of his condition and are doing all they can to accommodate him.
I feel like I’m holding my breath! It’s nice to take him to the park and here everyone, even the upper class kids saying “Hi Corey!” and asking him to play with them. I just want to cry!