Hi everyone, I wanted to post a couple of links that I found online and also put on my Tic Tic Boom page on Facebook. I think you’ll find them very useful. Enjoy!
Praising Children for Their Personal Qualities May Backfire
An Overview of Tics and Tourette Syndrome
On another note, my son had a major meltdown at school yesterday. Corey is being placed on home-based schooling until I can get the stuff I need to homeschool him myself. School is not a safe place for him right now. I knew it would come to this eventually, but I wanted to have everything set up to just pull him out. Feeling really lost right now.
I want to cry, but not in front of him. He won’t talk about it and I don’t know how. I just can’t picture him screaming and cussing at his teachers and throwing stuff around. Not this little boy who is hiding under a blanket on the couch because he thinks he’s in trouble. I just don’t get it.