On Saturday, my husband and I signed my daughter up for “Kidzact”, a local dance troop that was originally started for children with special needs — or so I was told. She truly enjoyed her first day and is looking forward to learning all she can.
With her short attention span being an ongoing issue, I pray that she will stay motivated and continue to look forward to her Saturday practices, at least for the next 8 weeks — which are paid in full.
Like most children with TS, she has problems sleeping at night and lately is sitting on the couch all “wide-eyed” and “bushy-tailed” til sometimes 10:30 p.m. or later. Funny how God created children with so much energy (some with more, some with less) and created parents with so little.
In conclusion, I hope her dance classes help deplete her energy levels so that she rests comfortably at night, which in turn, will help all of us.