Here is my team at last year's New Jersey Walks For TS event. We will have even more at this year's 5K, which takes place on Saturday, November 3!
Last year, when we decided to do the New Jersey Walks For TS event as an extended family on behalf of our son, Ethan, 10, we had two goals in mind: We wanted to raise money for the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome, which had done so much to support us, AND to show Ethan he’s not alone in his struggle with TS.
Ethan really embraced the idea, and we raised thousands of dollars to support NJCTS and its statewide education outreach and peer advocacy programs. This year, our family is doing it again — and Ethan is even more excited! That may be because we have more than 40 people coming with us on a big, rented, yellow school bus!
Ethan can’t wait to get on that bus. Friends, family, and a half-dozen of Ethan’s friends, too, all will be packed on the bus heading up to Mendham for this year’s event, which is now called the Youth Advocate 5K for kids with neurological disorders. It’s only 2 1/2 weeks, taking place on Saturday, November 3. We can’t wait!
We’re blown away by the reception we’ve had to this idea, especially knowing that people have other commitments on Saturday mornings, such as sports, errands, housework, etc. It’s incredible to think how many people stepped up to support this cause that means the world to us and agreed — without hesitation — to road trip with us to Mendham on 11/3.
The bus we’ve reserved is nothing fancy — no TV screens or anything like that — just a big, yellow, basic school bus. And each person on that bus has dedicated him/herself to raising money on Ethan’s behalf for NJCTS. It would mean the world to Ethan, to us, and to every kid out there with Tourette Syndrome and other neurological disorders such as OCD, ADHD, Asperger’s, anxiety, etc., if YOU came as well!
Or, if you can’t come, at least consider donating to the cause. Every little bit counts. If you could see the look on Ethan’s face when we talk about the 5K, and the bus, and everything going on that day, you couldn’t say no to him! Thanks for your consideration, and we hope to see you as we step off the bus on November 3!