Here are the past several days’ Tourette Syndrome-related links from websites all over the Internet. This is just another way TSParentsOnline hopes to help the parents of the TS community. Also, we are looking for more parent contributions. We would love to hear from you! Thanks!
Bill puts spotlight on Tourette Syndrome
New York students with Tourette-like illness speak for first time
New robot to help surgeons better perform brain surgeries
Students come to aid of Tourette classmate after bullying incident
Wiring the brain to treat stubborn disorders such as TS
Triumph over tragdy: Living with TS
Webinar to focus on emotion regulation
Special-needs kids require help
YouTube: What is Tourette Syndrome?
Orthodontist helps Tourette patients find pain relief
British teen protests Prime Minister’s TS comments
Expert: New York girls’ tics are “mass hysteria”