After everything we went through this summer and last spring with UCLA and their “wonderful” Intuniv program, Stink’s tics are worse than ever. His focus is up, but what is the trade off? The ability to sit still while clicking 50 times/minute plus, oh this is a fun one, at least three shudders/minute?
Should we get on yet another medication to help ease this? Maybe some nice narcotic? And then, down the road, shall we go with an anti-depressant to ease some of the social stigma from all the stares and questions about his tics?
I am easing away from this stupid drug and all these ridiculous labels about what it means to have Tourette Syndrome. I always say it, but far greater than a “classification” for symptoms is confidence, and God bless Stink, he has it in spades. I am not going down the drug route anymore unless absolutely necessary.
And, as fate will have it, UCLA isn’t returning my call anyway. I have tried, for 2 months, to get a hold of Dr. McCracken, via e-mail and phone. He had promised me, after we thought we found a silver bullet in helping Stink’s tics and focus, to tweak the meds if there was a problem.
HELLO THERE IS A PROBLEM! But where is Dr. McCracken? Likely busy with yet another study that is funding his research or perhaps a child with more severe issues than Stink, which is fine with me. I wish him no ill will. He is very good at what he does.
But I’m good at what I do. It’s called calling B.S. when I see B.S. I will moderate these tics with diet and some better supplements and, in three months, I will have good news to share with you!
Until then, please love your kids for who they are, not their tics. They are worth it. Life is short. Our kids are growing up fast. Time, like our kids, is ticking. Don’t let fear and a medical community who only knows “pills” tell you how to raise your kid. If the drugs work for you, yeah! But if they don’t, do not give up hope. There is always another way. And that way, my friends, is perseverance and faith and some mama kick butt humor and strength. We’re all in this together.