A cure for ignorance

This photo is one of mine, and the words are from a newly diagnosed young man named Alan, who is coming to terms with having Tourette Syndrome.


  1. My little angel has TS. NO ONE will see her because she is 8 and to young for this clinic or that or the insurance dont take this doctor or that!! I am sooo frustrated. We got her to see a therapist and the therapist sees a freak that has been molested because my TS girl touches herself a lot. So instead of treating her for TS, she is being dragged through the abuse road! the school treats her like she is a monster because she is sometimes vocal and she twitches. I just need a neurologist to see her for 5 minutes!!!! I dont know how much longer this child can go on without loosing her mind!!! It is so sad, she lost all her friends too!

    • For the person who just left the comment above, please know someone out there with a TS kid supports you! I am sooooooooooooo sorry! Hang in! Find a church group or temple or any group to support you from a spiritual place where twitches and tics have no power over love. THEN find a doc from a place of strength.

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