{"id":3434,"date":"2014-01-22T11:49:20","date_gmt":"2014-01-22T16:49:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/teens4ts\/?p=3434"},"modified":"2014-01-22T11:49:20","modified_gmt":"2014-01-22T16:49:20","slug":"please-support-my-what-makes-us-tic-documentary-project","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/njcts.org\/teens4ts\/please-support-my-what-makes-us-tic-documentary-project\/","title":{"rendered":"Please support my “What Makes Us Tic” documentary project!"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>A lot of people either haven’t, or have only heard stereotyped references to it like “the swearing disorder.” Tourette Syndrome (TS) is actually a neurological disorder that is characterized by tics, which are uncontrollable movements or vocalizations.<\/p>\n

TS is often judged and misunderstood because of the stigmas that have been created by the media and and a general lack of information about the disorder publicly. I intend to change that.<\/p>\n

Through the power of film,\u00a0What Makes Us Tic<\/strong><\/a>\u00a0is an insightful documentary that aims to promote Tourette Syndrome awareness in a positive way, and give a fresh perspective of what living with this neurological disorder is really like.<\/p>\n

It will also provide resources for individuals living with the disorder, as well as their parents, teachers, friends, co-workers, or anyone else who may be affected by their TS. But<\/i>ultimately this film really is for anyone who wants to learn more about Tourette Syndrome!<\/i><\/p>\n

My name is\u00a0Bella Marangoni<\/strong><\/a>, and I am a Canadian filmmaker and a high school student. I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome seven years ago, and ever since my diagnosis, I have been driven to change the way that people think about Tourette Syndrome\u00a0<\/span><\/span><\/i><\/span><\/i>and mental health in general.<\/span><\/span><\/i><\/span><\/i><\/span><\/span><\/i><\/span><\/i><\/p>\n

I have seen first-hand the injustices in the world towards people dealing with mental health issues, and I strongly believe the root of it all is a lack of education about mental health. Not very many people know what Tourette Syndrome is because they are not presented with the true, if any, information about the disorder. I plan to change that, one viewer at a time.<\/p>\n

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.<\/p>\n

~ Nelson Mandela<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

What Makes Us Tic actually started out as a school project in my grade nine year. Students were asked to create a meaningful project about any topic using any medium. For me, my choice was easy, I combined my passion for film with my passion for Tourette’s awareness, and thus my documentary was born.<\/p>\n

I worked diligently on my project all year, and in the end was very proud of this 25-minute long resource documentary I had made for Tourette Syndrome. Although, because it was a school project, I did not have access to the same type of equipment that most filmmakers have, and therefore the sound and video quality was not what I had hoped for.<\/p>\n

Now, I am creating a sequel to “What Makes Us Tic” which I am putting even more purpose, passion, and ingenuity into than the first in hopes that I can spread my enthusiasm in raising awareness for Tourette Syndrome across North America!<\/p>\n

With your support, these funds will support my entire production, from equipment costs, to two shooting trips for interviews, to final distribution costs and film festival entry fees. Upon completion, I plan to enter this film into multiple film festivals, make it available as a teaching resource with coinciding lesson plans, and publish the film on YouTube so that anyone can watch it anytime!<\/p>\n

What the funds will be used for:<\/p>\n