I am creating an album of kids and adults with Tourette Syndrome! Post pics of you or any one you know with Tourette on the Help Spread the Word About Tourette Syndrome Facebook page. This will later be turned into a slideshow!
But I feel like most of you do not know much about me.
My name is Logan Kurtz and I am 17 years old. I am the proud creator of the Help Spread the Word About Tourette Syndrome page. Through out my life with Tourettes Syndrome, challenges were always present in anything I did. Problems always occurred, whether I was ready for them or not.
When I was in middle school, I had a vocal tic that made me cough very loud. I was always sent outside. I did not do as well in the class as I could of because of missing so much of the information while it was being taught. The teacher was very strict and he did not really have any tolerance for disturbances.
I have gone through the name calling stage. My nickname was “TicMan” in middle school. I never pretended that my TS was not there. I just smile back and pretend they were my best friends making a simple and non-harmful joke. It worked. They left me alone. If you don’t react, they don’t have any fun.
Over time I have learned to cope and deal with all these events presented to me. They have taught me much and I want to share my lessons with you and give you the confidence you deserve. At the end of life’s obstacles you are presented with the gift of knowledge and hope.
I will be creating a video soon to further introduce myself to all of you.