NJCTS Youth Advocate Mary Kate Donahue delivers keynote address at Dare to Dream Conference

NJCTS Youth Advocate Mary Kate Donahue delivered the keynote address at the 2016 Dare to Dream Student Leadership Conference at Stockton University on May 9. This wasn’t Mary Kate’s first rodeo. She is an accomplished speaker and children’s book author and… Continue Reading


The GreaTS have arrived!

Change the world. Stand With The GreaTS! Join the global community to break down social stigmas, create awareness, and provide support resources around Tourette Syndrome. This is your chance to make a difference. Get involved today at standwiththegreats.org. Share your message of… Continue Reading


NJCTS Youth Advocate featured on ABC’s “Protect Our Children” special

On April 16th, ABC aired the, “PROTECT OUR CHILDREN: COPING, STRESS, & MOVING FORWARD” special hosted by Eyewitness News Anchor, Diana Williams. This special describes what experts are referring to as an epidemic of stress-related problems plaguing our children. It’s… Continue Reading