Sometimes school gets in the way

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

~ Malcolm Forbes

Hello everyone! I am finally back to the blog. I honestly have had a procrastination problem — still working on it — for a while, and I just didn’t feel like posting on the blog.

It all started with the stress from school from trying not to get withdrawn. I made it, but I think the stress really tired me out — drained me almost. I have been writing on my page, but a blog seemed like too much. But I’m back knowing that I made a commitment to this blog and I’m sticking to it.

So I wrote a 4-minute-long poem that I entered into the Shakespeare Festival for Florida Virtual School. My poem had to be inspired by Shakespeare’s works. So I decided to write my poem about Romeo and Juliet (since that’s the only work that I truly know of him), and I wrote in Juliet’s point of view. It took a bit to write, but it was worth it. In the festival, whoever has the most votes on their work (art, writing, etc.) gets a certificate and featured in the yearbook. I do hope I win, but I won’t mind if I don’t.

School is going OK, but like I said earlier, I am having a problem where I really don’t want to do any work at all. My exhaustion level has risen, and I’m in that place where I just want school to be done when I’m only halfway through it. I’m trying to raise a couple of my grades. I decided that next year, I’m going to take psychology as an elective. I’m excited about it, but it is worth five high school credits, and I’m afraid it’ll be too intense for me. I will see when the time comes.

Finally, I am hoping to go to prom in April. My mom had two guys in mind for a date, but one just got a girlfriend — and of course it would be bad to go with someone who’s taken — so I am hoping and praying that I can go with the other guy. His mom is sick at the moment so I hope she feels better real soon. She seems to have the flu. I’m excited but nervous.

I’m really sorry I haven’t posted in a while, and I will try to keep posting more often. Hope you all have a marvelous day! :)



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