Hey everyone! So as many of you know, I am working with RuthieP of A Little Bit Different: Tourette’s Syndrome to create a documentary project. We are going to create a website where we will put many editied 5-10 minute documentaries. These are the videos that many of you submitted that are now edited into documentaries of their own!
Right now, the website will house videos about Tourette Syndrome, but in the future, we hope to branch out to include videos and documentaries from many different people with different disorders and disabilities.
Right now, we need to decide on a name for the website, and we need your help and advice. Below are our top eight name ideas, and we would like you to tell us which you like best! Also feel free to submit name suggestions as well.
Erasing Limits
United Wide
Stand out Stand up
Hand N Hand
Erasing boundaries
Inspired Forever
Linking Stories