Many children with tics and Tourette Syndrome may experience anxiety, be teased or bullied, develop negative self-perceptions and avoid social situations as a result of their tics. The Rutgers Tourette Syndrome Clinic is offering a 10-week, group-based program that aims to help children build resilience and develop the skills necessary to better navigate life with tics and associated conditions.
The program is based on the research-supported principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and is uniquely designed to help youth:
1. Learn about tics in a developmentally appropriate way
2. Build confidence
3. Identify and manage difficult thoughts and feelings
4. Navigate the various social issues that often come along with having tics,
such as talking to others about tics and responding to teasing
5. Connect with other children with tics in a supportive environment
Who? Children and adolescents ages 7-17 with Tourette syndrome or chronic tics
When? Thursday evenings beginning February 18th for 10 weeks
Where? Virtual via Zoom
Fee? $20 for intake meeting plus $200 per child for entire 10-week program
For more information or to register for the group, call (848) 445-6111, ext. 40150 or email