Hi everyone! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it. I finally posted a new song/video. If you have a minute, I’d really appreciate it if you could watch it. It’s called “Wallpaper,” inspired by troubling times and dark parts of my mind.
I wrote this song about nine months ago when I was going through a rough time, and honestly, I never really thought that I’d pick it up again after that night. Most things I write end up on the floor, but I’m happy that out of all the songs I chose to bring to life, that this was one of them. Bringing all the visuals and emotions that I envisioned together was indescribable. I’m hoping to maybe do some work in videography/film directing when I’m older.
I directed and edited almost the entire video out of my house. A good friend, who is also a very talented photographer, Lindsay Ralph, helped with the actual video shooting, lighting and make-up touch-ups. Can’t thank her enough! The painting in the video actually hangs in the hallway off our kitchen. The kids that I worked with were phenomenal and I’m amazed by how well they performed and took direction.
It was interesting to take these child models that are usually prepped and primped to look perfect, and turn them into the opposite; the “broken” people of society that we don’t see. It was all a really natural vibe, and really real as well. In the end, the entire thing was lots of fun to put together, although stressful at times, it was mostly fun. I know I haven’t posted in several months and I apologize for that; the support I receive every day is appreciated. Thank-you can’t even do the justice.
If anyone has any questions about anything at all, free feel to ask! Hope you like it enough to share it with your friends :)