I support H.R. 146, the Collaborative Academic Research Efforts for Tourette Syndrome Act of 2013. I have had Tourette Syndrome since I was 5 years old. Battling with the disorder has brought struggle throughout the years; emotionally, physically, socially and financially. I cannot express how much stress and pain I have been through (especially considering those factors make tics get worse).
However, when I started working with the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome & Associated Disorders (NJCTS), they brought new resources and knowledge that gave me hope that there would someday be a cure; I knew I wanted to be a part of that difference. Through NJCTS, I have been trained to be a peer advocate and youth advocate so I can educate people about Tourette Syndrome.
After all, the more people that know what the disorder is, the better chance that someone will find interest in the subject and find a cure. This bill is absolutely necessary, not only for this generation of kids, but for future generations as well. With the deepest respect and passion, I ask EVERY Senator and Representative of Congress to sign this bill. It may or may not affect your life, but the Tourette community depends on it. Thank you.
To join me in supporting this important bill, please visit the POPVOX website today. It’ll only take a few seconds of your time and could change the lives of so many. Thank you!