Joe Smith of Tourette Syndrome Talk on Facebook needs some help. Let’s help him out! Joe said:
I have a new complex vocal tic refered to as echolalia where I repeat things other people say. I am in college, and it happens on occasion in class and am able to muffle them to a whisper where it isn’t noticeable. It happens maybe once a class and is only a sentence or two that I repeat. When I go home and visit one of my friends, I have a tendency to unleash all my tics. They know about my TS and are used to all the tics, so I feel comfortable not suppressing them there. I don’t like to complain, but it can get annoying when I am trying to have a conversation and it is broken up by me repeating a sentence. I was wondering if anyone has experience with echolalia or how to gain control over this tic?
Wanda Ivette on the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Facebook page asked:
Is there any place here in Orlando, Florida, that I can take my kid to get help for TS?
Let’s help her out, too!
And lastly, here is a video first aired on HBO. I wanted to share it with those of you who have never seen it before. Its original air date is November 2005, and it’s called Kids and Their Tics. Featured are some children between ages 6-11 who are talking about part of their lives with tics and what it does to them.
I have echolalia too it sucks. I repeat alot of stuff in school – I’m there now on study hall. It annoys people but what they dont get is it annoys me more. I’m 17. How old r u Logan?