Yesterday, I moved into the dorms at school. My anxiety was really high during the moving process, and it felt really overwhelming to have to move all my things into my room, unpack and deal with everyone around me. After everything got moved in and I got settled, things got a lot better. I got to be with my two really good friends and vent to them about my anxiety for a bit. Being able to talk about my anxiety with them instead of holding it inside seemed to really help.
Also after knowing them both for two full years, going on a third, they are very used to my tics and are very comfortable talking about TS. For a while we didn’t talk about my tics because they were afraid they were going to offend me or hurt my feelings. Now knowing me so well, they know that that’s not the case. They are able to freely joke about my tics with me, and I made sure to tell them last night that I like when they do that and that it makes me feel more comfortable.
My F-word tic was pretty active yesterday, and since it’s so new they’re still getting used to that one. But they’re doing a great job making me feel comfortable with it and letting me know it’s no big deal.
I also told them some camp stories from my amazing second year as a counselor at Camp Twitch and Shout, and I have so much more to tell them! I start classes on Monday and am looking forward to it!