It’s Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month! What have you been doing to spread the word about Tourette Syndrome?
Last year in my high school I spoke to psychology classes about Tourette’s and gave them a first-hand perspective of what life was like with the disorder. Although they were learning about Tourette in class, they did not realize that there were so many everyday struggles to overcome to keep up with the norm.
In addition, I created a proclamation in my town to officially declare National Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month (May 15 to June 15). This year, I hope to do the same by making sure that this month is again recognized by my township, school system and community.
I plan to speak in psychology classes again this year, since I received such a positive response to my advocacy last year. I advocate not only because it is important to spread awareness, but because just one person can change the view of others once they have the right facts and resources.
By educating other teens, it can create a chain reaction of awareness and I believe that is one of the most important steps towards eliminating bullying and misunderstanding of Tourette’s. Those who bully and tease are simply uneducated, and it is the job of the TS community to provide education to those who are ignorant about the disorder.
Advocating, walking for the cure, even having the courage to explain to close friends about the disorder are all ways in which we can spread awareness and educate people about Tourette syndrome. No matter how you choose to spread awareness, remember that every little bit of knowledge makes a huge difference toward a world of tolerance and acceptance.
I spread Tourettes Awareness for years to the entire county, city, town of Knoxville Tennessee as well as all surrounding counties. My friend Holly Phillips from Powell Tennessee has Tourettes and a future DBS operation. We do our best with the resources we have raising the public’s, tourist, awareness all day everyday and Evert year for our Holiday.