Last week, I had some frustrating times. My brother used my OCD against me, and I really really hate that. We had a fight over the TV. I wanted to watch TV since I had almost no homework, and my brother thought I was playing it too loud.
He told me if I didn’t turn it off, he would go in my room and bathroom and mess all my stuff up — putting contaminated things on noncontaminated things and contaminating my entire room. Of course, this would have just been more than awful for me to bear, so I had no choice but to turn off the TV so he wouldn’t contaminate my room.
His exact words were, “I don’t care if you mess up my stuff, but you would care if I messed up your stuff because you have OCD.” I hate it that he used my OCD against me and used it to get his way. I am worried he will do this in the future. If he does, I hate to say it, but he will win every time.
Okay I think I found you on facebook! I friended you, and I hope I friended the right person! The friend request is coming from my personal account so it says my name is Jackie. I use my middle name, Ruthie, as a pen name for blogging.
Hey Ruthie!
So sorry to hear that you dont live near rutgers :( but yes, I would absolutely love to skype and become friends with you on facebook! My names on facebook is Katie Delaney, and my skype name is katie.delaney93. Please add me asap!
Thanks so much for all the support everyone! Thankfully my brother hasn’t tried anything similar since this event, but boy was it frustrating!!! It helps me so much to hear that you all think what he did was wrong. It makes me feel less alone or vulnerable. Katie- I love hearing that phrase. I am not alone. I like to say it in my head sometimes when I am feeling really down. So many times I feel so alone and like I am the only person who has to deal with this, but I know it’s not true. I know there are so many people like you and me out there who deal with TS and OCD. Thanks so much for the offer to talk! I would love to! Although my phone is pretty bad with texting so I am not much of a texter. Hopefully I will get a new phone soon! Maybe we could chat over facebook or skype sometime. I am big on those two. Do you have a facebook or a skype? I SO wish I lived near Rutgers so I could meet you!!! I would love that, but sadly I live in St. Louis. Congrats on getting to speak there! That is awesome! I hope we can talk sometime anyway over facebook or skype! Let me know!!!
Hey Ruthie!
So sorry to hear that you dont live near rutgers but yes, I would absolutely love to skype and become friends with you on facebook! My names on facebook is Katie Delaney, and my skype name is katie.delaney93. Please add me asap!
Great!! I would love to add you on facebook, but there are so many Katie Delaney’s and I can’t tell which one is you! Maybe if you told me what your profile picture is then that would help. I will add you on skype! :)
I am in a white shirt with black yoga pants standing next to my best friend who is in a blacksuit. I have wavy blond hair. Hope that helps! And yes, please add me on skype!!!! If you need more information then that, let me know!
I couldn’t find you on skype though :( It told me that your skype name didn’t exist. Maybe my skype is just malfunctioning….
I just friended you on facebook! Although I hope I found the right person. The friend request is coming from my personal account (Jackie). I use my middle name, Ruthie, as a pen name for blogging.
Hey Ruthie,
That sounds terrible. I am so sorry you are dealing with that, but I just want you to know you are not alone. I am also dealing with Tourettes and OCD, I also have anxiety, so were pretty much in the same boat here. I know life can get frustrating but you have to try to keep your head up, things will get better, I promise. If you ever need to talk, my number is 609-610-0874. Please dont ever hesitate to call. Although my OCD is more of the obsessions than the compulsions, I do understand what you are going through. .On May 21st they are having a Dare to Dream event in Rutgers. If you live near there I suggest you go. There will be people there with OCD, Tourettes, ADD, ADHD, high functioning aspergers, and I think a few others. I will be speaking there so if you do go hopefully we can meet up :) Please text me or call me if you are interested. I would love to meet you!
That is just plain out mean! I’m pretty sure I have OCD and I can never get dirty or do something involved in the like. But my family doesn’t understand me! So I hope life gets better for you!
My little sister has OCD really bad. She can’t touch the remote unless she has a paper towel or napkin around it. She usually just asks me to change the channel. At first it was annoying, but then I realized she couldn’t help it. I just had to get to used to it. I would have never done what your brother said he would do. That’s just plain out mean. I hope he doesn’t ever try that again.
Hi Katrina, thanks for commenting! Would you like to blog on Teens4TS as well? If you are interested, please e-mail us at Thanks!