For my first blog I wanted to share a little bit about when I was first diagnosed. I’ve always been a little twitchy, I started blinking my eyes and sniffing when I was in preschool and developed many more simple motor tics. Since I was young, nobody paid any attention to it. As I got older however, my tics became complex and starting causing problems with my grades.
At this point, I was in fifth grade and my little brother had already been diagnosed. I knew I had Tourette Syndrome, too, so I sat down with my mom and told her about it. A few minutes later she was on the phone with my neurologist scheduling an appointment!
When I reached sixth grade my tics were awful. I couldn’t focus, I was always holding my tics back, and they were hurting me. So I did research and decided to educate my class on my disorder. My class handled the information so well and treated me the same as everyone else! It was such a relief for me.
But through my research, I found out about the Youth Ambassador program and we found NJCTS. Now, my I’m doing fantastic and I’m so thankful for all of the people who helped me along the way!