Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.
~ John Quincy Adams
Hi everyone. I haven’t posted on the blog in a while, and I do apologize for that. I’ll explain why.
I have been so busy with school. I know you’ve heard that a lot, but I have had big trouble with Geometry. Math is my worst subject, and I just could not deal with anything else. I procrastinated so much that I got far behind in my pace. I had almost a month to get everything done. I worked so hard, and on July 2, I finally got done with everything in Geometry.
I am so proud that I got back on my feet. All I have left is English 2 and Biology. I only have one thing left to complete English 2. I still have 2 modules to complete Biology. I have to complete everything before July 23. But after completing Geometry, I am able to post a whole lot more.
Also, I read this novel for English 2 called, “Chinese Cinderella” by Adeline Yen Mah. Some of you may have heard of it. Maybe some of you have read it. It is such an amazing book. I got so inspired that I am writing my own autobiography. It will be about how I went through so much in such a short time — how I came to be the person I am today. I hope it’ll help someone going through rough times someday.
My tics have been pretty bad probably because of multiple things. It’s summer, I am stressed about school, I’m having teenage hormonal changes constantly, my meds might or might not still be working, I’m stressed about romantic relationship stuff, and I have barely written anything in forever.
Also, my mom has been working a lot, and the only times I see her are when she comes home in the evening. After an hour or two, she goes to bed. On her days off — for the past three months — I have had so much school work to do and she and I have been separated (meaning I’m in my room a lot while she’s in the living room or her bedroom.) I miss her so much and sometimes I cry because she and I are so close. We are best friends. I hope I get to see her and hang out with her more often.
Also, my dog has heart worms, so we’re trying to heal her. It’s a five-month process. Please pray and/or cross your fingers that she gets better.
I started tap dancing. I didn’t realize that I’d get it so quickly. I was and still am so fascinated by it when I saw the other girls in my dance class do it. I never thought in my entire life that I’d ever tap dance. I thought I would suck at it, and that would be it. But it really helps my agitation … usually.
Sometimes, it makes me even more frustrated because I can’t get a move right. That just means I need to practice more. I have the best dance teachers and teammates ever. Truthfully, I thought I couldn’t dance and I never wanted to dance. They changed that and I fall even more in love with it every week.
July 4th for me wasn’t really a holiday, sadly. All I did was schoolwork and clean the house. My second mom is on vacation from work so she wants us all to clean the house. I feel sad because I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything holiday-ish because of the cleaning/school plan and money. Hopefully, the rest of the holidays will be better.
Question of the week: What did you do for Independence Day?
Well, that’s all I have to say for now. Hope you all are having a wonderful day. :)