Hey everyone! As the new Erasing Limits website and Facebook page Logan and I have been working on debuts today, I have a question for all of you. What other disorders/conditions/disabilities/challenges do you want to see videos about on our new website?
This website is going to be a fantastic new resource, and I encourage you to all check it out and take advantage of it.
The website is basically going to be a video database where you can find high-quality, informative and inspirational videos about various disabilities, disorders and challenges. All videos on the site will be videos that Logan and I have reviewed and think are worth watching for anyone wanting more information, support or encouragement in its respective area.
So far the disorders/conditions that the website includes are Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, OCD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism and Stuttering.
We of course are going to expand this database. So my question for you all is, like I said above, what disorders/conditions/disabilities/challenges do you want to see videos about on our new website that we have not already included? These can be TS related conditions or non TS related. What do you guys think? I would love any and all input. :)