I am currently an undergraduate student studying Special Educational Needs and Inclusion at Bishop Grosseteste University. I am currently working on my undergraduate dissertation and it is at this point that I need your help!
I am looking for pupils to participate in a research study looking at the relationship between Tourette Syndrome and education, and I am looking for students personal experiences to inform my study. If you are willing to take part I will ask you to fill out a questionnaire which outlines your experiences with Tourette Syndrome and your experiences in school. No one other than me will have access to any of your personal information, and all names will be removed in the research in order to keep you anonymous.
If you have any further questions before completing the questionnaire please feel free to email me at b1202163@student.bishopg.ac.uk.
I would be truly greatful to hear your experiences, as I want to fully explore any relationship that can be found between TS and education, to see if there’s anything that we can do to to make education better for everyone!