Back at Montclair with a message of hope

Hey guys, I’m back at Montclair! It was a rough day with homesickness and OCD, but I pulled through it with the love of great friends and family members! It’s so crazy being back here. I haven’t been here since 3 1/2 weeks ago.

I met with some friends for dinner to celebrate my birthday, which was on the 14th, and spent some time with some other friends while back at my dorm later on in the night. Honestly, it is so great to be back. I was afraid I would want to drop out because of the homesickness, but I’m feeling better and know I’m gonna stick it through this semester. It is going to be better then lasts, I can just feel it!

I just want you guys to know, you can do anything you set your mind to. It might be hard now, but you’ll get through it. I have a great friend who always tells me, “God has great plans for you — I know it.”

And she’s right. Just because I wasn’t dealt the best deck of cards doesn’t mean that I can’t play them to the best of my ability! God has a plan for all of you guys, too, and I know it’s a good one. Just keep staying strong, and remember — God doesn’t give the good to the ones who deserve it until they have fought long and hard for it.

Missed Katie’s Teens4TS blog entry from earlier today? You can read it here!




  1. Hello Katie! I know that you don’tknow who I am. But, my name is Rachael and I go to school with Caleb Davidson. I think you very amazing forputting up with what you do :)

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