What are some things you shouldn’t say to a person when they tell you they have Tourette’s? For starters don’t say “Man! That’s so awesome! You can swear all the time and get away with it! I wish I had that!” What are other things you think people shouldn’t say?
This blog is going to start a top-10 countdown of the things you just shouldn’t say to someone who has TS. So what would you say in response to this comment from another person who you have told that you or your child had Tourette’s?
Counting down toward No. 1, here’s No. 6:
With your effort and attitude, I know you’ll get rid of your tics one day.
From Charlotte, an adult living with TS:
Why would you think that? I’m almost 64 and probably the only time my face will stop moving will be when I’m in my coffin!
Look for No. 5 tomorrow. And in case you missed the ones that came before, here’s a list: