2007 Educator of the Year Award. Is there a special educator in your child’s life? If so, click on this form to nominate that teacher, guidance counselor, or other education professional who has made school a more positive experience for your child fill it out and sent to the TSANJ office. All applications must be received in the TSANJ office by March 30th 2007. Please call the TSANJ office with any questions you may have.
2007 Healthcare Professional Of The Year Award. Has a doctor, nurse, psychologist or other health care professional done an exceptional job of helping your family deal with TS? If so, nominate him/her for the TSANJ Healthcare Professional of the Year Award by clicking here and filling out the nomination form. We do not have nearly enough healthcare professionals who understand TS. Help us recognize our state’s best! Nominations are due by March 30, 2007. Please call the TSANJ office with any questions you may have.
For more information contact: Faith Rice, Tourette Syndrome Association of New Jersey, Inc., 50 Division Street, Suite 205, Somerville, NJ 08876. Phone: 908 575 7350, website: www.tsanj.org, email: info@tsanj.org