NJCTS is happy to share that this year’s teen and parent summits will be held concurrently AND in person!
Saturday, February 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Targeted programming for both parents and teens will be offered, with breakout sessions for both groups.
Parents will have the opportunity to hear from and engage with other parents who have raised or are raising young adults with TS, talk to neurologists and psychologists who specialize in the treatment of TS, and chat with young adults in the workforce with TS to hear what was most valuable in helping them achieve success.
Teens will participate in activities to build confidence and form connections with their peers with TS, chat with young adults who recently graduated high school to hear what the transition to college or the workforce is like, and hear from other teens with experience in advocacy what it took to find their voice and advocate for themselves and others.
This event is completely free of charge, and lunch will be provided. Take advantage of the opportunity to actively participate in programming that supports parents AND teens and gives both groups the chance to come together in community!