This presentation focuses on apps that can assist students from kindergarten to 12th grade in dealing with anxiety in school and in functional settings. The presentation highlights mobile technology that can help create schedules with detailed directions, support reading and writing for students with dyslexia and dysgraphia, assist with writing research papers, and programs that can support independent functioning in a community setting. Examples of what the apps can do and detailed directions in the form of task analysis for the more involved apps are provided as part of the presentation.
4:32 All right. So thank you everybody for coming here tonight to hear me talk about Assistive Technology. I know what a shark week, so I’m very tough to pull ourselves away from The Discovery Channel. But I’m gonna do my best to hopefully show you guys some new technologies that you can utilize, both in the classroom, and at home. And for virtual instruction. 4:53 I’m going to cover a wide range of technologies for different needs, including people with reading issues, people with communication issues. I’m gonna try to cover different subjects, like math, science, even foreign language. So, I’m gonna go over all of these different points throughout the presentation, so I hope that you guys find this useful. 5:20 So, as mentioned, what we’re looking to do is reduce anxiety, particularly with the use of technology. 5:28 I’m sure as students are gearing up to go back to school in whatever capacity, they’re going to be doing back. 5:33 They’re pretty anxious because they don’t know what’s going to happen. They don’t know what’s coming their way. So one way to reduce anxiety is to help people be aware of exactly what’s expected of them. I’m sure we would also say, even before going into a position or a job, we want to know, for the most part, what is expected of us. So one way that we can help our students is through the use of visual schedules. So I’m going to go through an app that can help with that. As I go through my presentation, there’ll be links to most things that I’m talking about. So, if you click on these later on, when this presentation is available for you, you can go see exactly, the app. I’m talking about, the website, or in some cases, it’s just a link about more information for what we’re talking about. 6:24 So, in this case, the link to helpful counselor can help with reducing school anxiety for children and talks about some stuff and more proper here, OK. So, as I mentioned, visual schedules can be modified into specific steps known as a Task Analysis, or a TAA. 6:42 So, I utilize Task Analysis all the time when I’m teaching and I work with students of all kinds of different functional levels and backgrounds. And I find task analysis to be very helpful. 6:56 I find that my students find it to be very helpful, and because it’s a breakdown of what the student’s going to do, I often get feedback from them, that it’s reducing how anxious they are about engaging in a new task. 7:12 So as mentioned, the test analysis can be applied to variety of techniques for identifying and understanding the structure’s flows and attributes of a task. 7:23 It will identify the actions and cognitive processes required for a user to achieve a particular goal. We utilize task analysis all the time, oftentimes, without realizing that we’re doing it. So I’ll just give you some quick examples. 7:39 Things that we do in our daily lives, that require task analysis, that have just kind of become part of our daily process. 7:47 So here’s some examples. If you’ve ever used directions are often with pictures to assemble an item, such as a bookshelf that you got from ikea or bicycle, utilize the task analysis. Looking at directions on how to complete a new activity on a computer, which I’m going to go through at least one full task analysis today, on how to utilize one of the apps that we’re going to highlight. It would be an example, and it doesn’t always have to be written. 8:13 Learning to drive a car, is oftentimes completed by a task analysis. So when we all first sit down in a car for the first time, our instructor hopefully told us to make sure that we check our side view, mirrors, check, our rear view mirrors. Put on a seat belt, go through the steps that are required to turn on a car. And then to drive a car, look at the side view, mirror, before we turn into traffic. You know, those types of things. Recipes are excellent, examples of task analysis. Or they tell us exactly what steps we have to take. And they tell us. 8:44 Example, you wouldn’t measurements, we need. These are just examples. And as you can see, like if you’re doing any one of these things, for the first time, you’re going to feel much less stressed out if you have the steps right now for you. If you’re looking to explain this to your children or two students, a lot of times, they’ll use a task analysis to complete a walkthrough for a video game. So in particular, like your role playing game, referred to as an RPG, the students might download a walkthrough for how to get through the game. I know, for instance, my daughters, we utilize these walkthroughs. What’s for dinner like a task analysis to complete by the Lego games? Because I very specific teams, you have to go through. 9:27 Steps are learning how to tie our shoes are, Putting your legs, that would also be examples of a task analysis. The first app I’m gonna go through is called the can plan app. This is a free app on i-phone, and this will be a visual schedule that you put a task analysis interview. As Christina mentioned, I currently work as a teacher, as a work based learning co-ordinator, as well. So I please students in positions where they transition to the workforce. So, I’m utilizing this app for multiple reasons. one is that it gives students a step by step breakdown of what they need to complete at their job, and that’s completed. But additionally, a lot of times myself student up at a worksite they have a job coach with that. 10:18 Now, the job coach, oftentimes we have to model what the student has to do. So, for instance, if I have a student who needs to do when someone is outdated or going through the shelf are store polio things, which are pasty. They might need to be shown how to do that at first. Now, in the era of conveyed, I can have a job coach standing six feet next to students at all times. But with this app, I can set the entire activity up ahead of time, which pictures, video, or text, or a combination of the three for the student to learn the activity. 10:52 So the student can then look at this as a job coach than six feet or more away. And it’s basically there for questions of students looking at the app. I’m also going to show you some examples of how this can be utilized for more traditional instruction for homework. 11:09 Or for even classwork, give your students have access to things like iPads, Where I’m sure for a lot of us, being six feet away from students is going to be a key component as we go back to work. 11:22 So as I mentioned, what does the can plan out? It’s free app on i-phone, In which we can create a task analysis for a given set of tasks that students to complete. 11:32 Benefits can plan, can increase independence at the workplace, or, in this case, in any task that you’re working on, as much as we can as teachers and as parents, we want to see independence from our students. So, our children, so we can set up an activity where they have a guide about what you’re supposed to do. Instead of having us tell them, it’s a excellent way to go. 11:55 In fact, fading out verbal instruction is the most difficult methods to remove as far as scaffolding. So we can take that part out, after an initial description to student what to do, and utilize technology like this. It can really help them decrease your independence. 12:13 And, as you said, the workers have complete access to the test or completing, or other steps are doing for school instruction. I wasn’t able to find this app on Google or i-phone, but I’m sorry, on Google or Kindle, but it’s available on i-phone. And if I find something that’s compatible or comparable, I will ask Christine Kelly, if I can send them a new, updated version of this presentation. With those apps on there. 12:41 So what I’m gonna do is show you a task analysis that I put together for how to use the Can plan app. So it just in case you have and utilize the test analysis before, or it’s a new system to you, This will give you an example of how to do that, in addition to giving you step by step directions. 13:01 For utilizing this app, I won’t give you guys the task analysis for each app that we look at, because I’m sure you can all get the idea for the process after seeing one. But I will have, like, a key information about how to utilize the chat as we go through. So in this case, if I was giving this to a teacher, or student, or even given, it’s my daughters to use on their phones, the first step would be go to the app store and download the free can plan out. And I just wanna point out, especially if a student’s started a new activity. In this case, with technology. 13:36 For sure, I don’t feel like any step is not important. That’s not to say that you have to break down each step, like I do here. If you’re working with students who are higher functioning, and you can chunk several steps together, feel free to do so. 13:54 OK, in this case, I want my students to open up the app, and click where it says All Tasks, in the top left-hand corner of the screen to view a to-do list. So this will be the list of things that they have to do. 14:12 They would then click the plus sign at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. To add a new activity, I would suggest. 14:21 Even if you’re working with very high functioning students, it’s not a bad idea to put in visual cues like this arrow here, pointing to the plus sign, in particular, for new technology like this, Where the plus sign doesn’t really stick out all that much, even with machetes at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. 14:42 So, in this case, for the care plan. At, this will allow you to add a new task. You can get the task name. In this case, I’m gonna do a functional activity, such as set table. I can also put a picture here if I wanted to, start where it says choose photo. I could have a picture of a table, so if I had students who had a reading difficulty, they could just see the picture of the table being sent and know that that’s what they had to do. 15:13 Once I’ve done that, we can add steps to the task. Now, this is where we can make it differentiation between a visual schedule and a full on task analysis breakdown. 15:26 So, we do have the ability to add steps here, And to do so, we just click at step. 15:38 This is an example of adding stats, as I mentioned, that can be added with just text or with text and pictures. Or even video from the phone if we need to. In this case, I took this picture of trying to set the table. I’m not a good photographer. But for the purposes of this activity, it would work by students for instructional piece. I would go back and try this again. 16:02 But when we’re done adding the text, we will just click done at any text in the top right-hand corner of the screen. So, over here, it was put on play, and I can click done editing text. 16:15 We can now scheduled tasks. To do this, We simply click on schedule this task. 16:22 And, again, with task analysis, it never hurts to put pictures and prompts. And, because some people do better with the visual, some people do better with just the words. So, you can if you’re doing this for the first time first student or for your child, I recommend utilizing text. 16:40 Visual cues like Yaro and Pictures. And then, if you were able to determine that whoever you’re making this for works better with only one of these types of instructions or with all three or combination of two out of three, you modify from there. 16:58 You have options to make this repeat event or a one time event. You can also schedule a day in time for the test to start, and you do that using time of first reminder function. I feel like I’m doing the repeat or one time is really important if you’re planning to utilize this app going forward in this school year. 17:22 So, for instance, I know a lot of students are going to be going back to school, on a schedule, where they’re not going to be at school every day. 17:31 So we can set this, these schedules up, when students to have, say, repeat, going to school on Monday and Tuesday, that would be very easy thing to put in. There also set up a schedule where is repeat to do the remote instruction on the days that they’re not at school window. A lot of districts are setting that up. 17:53 For instance, I’ve been working with my daughters to set this up. Whether it be at school Monday, Tuesday. We don’t have their Wednesday, Thursday, Friday schedule yet, but when we do, I wanna make sure it’s in their phones for them. So they know that. OK, it is, say, nine o’clock on Thursday, and I have math class right now. one. 18:16 Issue that came up with three voted instruction for the second half of the school year was that teachers noticed that drop off of students attending classes that were set up online going forward. So if we can work to set something up like this and our students phones or in our children’s phones, it might be a way to help them stay on task to get to those virtual classes in particular. 18:46 As I said, you can also make it. It’s repeating event and it doesn’t have to be on a daily basis. It can be weekly, monthly, or, in my case. A lot of times I’ll have to set this on weekends or weekdays after school to coincide with my students work Schedule. So as you can see, that I can make something daily, weekly, two times a week, monthly. 19:10 Week, days, week ends all over here. So the schedule can really be tailored to fit the student’s needs or the worker’s needs. Or even I myself utilize this, like I had put on here, when I had meetings to get ready for this presentation, and this presentation itself. Just so I didn’t forget to utilize it, or to be ready. 19:34 Once you have finished scheduling your task, you just click save on the top right-hand corner of the screen. So, as you can see here, we have set table, ready to go with a better picture. 19:46 And, I put down the first two steps to be done here, so put down plate, and then next, please, fork. So, we have just the plate, the plate and the fork, I could add more steps, if I want it to you, but I felt for the purposes of this presentation that you guys get the idea. I was also able to schedule it for a certain time. So, in this case, it was for June 17, 2020 at 9 15 AM. 20:14 After saving your task, you’ll now see it as part of your All Tasks lists. So this is the alt text list, up here, and an extra minute to Do List. I just didn’t want to cover that up, but this is showing you that all tests is currently open. 20:31 You’re going to hit the plus sign to enter more tasks if you wanted to. So if I wanted to student to, in this case, this was set up for our activities that a student might do at home as part of a functional living program, they might set the table then sweep the floor. Then load the dishwasher so we can put all of those activities in here. We would simply continue adding steps or adding tasks until we had set up a schedule for the entire day. 21:00 Once we have set up the tasks, we’re going to click on the to-do list. 21:03 now icon in the top left-hand corner of the page, or in this case of your screen. 21:11 This will take you to your all tasks list, showing you all the test you have to complete, for a given day. So in this case, as when I was first utilizing this, I put in here to work on a computer, and set the table like to multitask. So I set them for the same time, But we should go in and edit that if we want it to. 21:32 When you’re at your All Tasks, you just click on the first task for the day to start that activity. 21:42 You will now be shown the test you need to complete. You can click on this Speak down here to have the words sent to you. Just as a quick side note, so when setting up a task analysis, I made sure to put this icon in here. 21:55 Because, again, and this visual prompt, because the speak is not very big for the first time as you guys are looking at this. So as part of my task analysis, I want to make sure that I’m highlighting these important things, you guys. 22:10 If you’re just doing this schedule, if you only have the task itself to do, you can click Done at the type right-hand corner of the screen, once you have completed the task. So in this case, the student didn’t need a task analysis. Just needed like a scheduler to say that, oh, I had to set the table, so we just click done in the top right-hand corner when he or she has done that activity. 22:33 If you decide that a task analysis is going to be a better way for you to get this task across, or this instruction, and you have it broken down into steps, you can click done at each completed step. 22:46 So, we put down the plate, in this case, clicked on, and then move on and put them for it, and click done and move on. When you reach the last step, the program will prompt you that the task is completed. So, in this case, Tatiana … and it would say, End of texts. 23:06 Once the task is done, you return to your all test screen. Here, you’ll see a green checkmark. 23:12 Over here, on the activity that you’ve completed, so that the student would never have completed set the table. Now, I can go to work on computer in this case, like, I set this up, where I wanted to start from the bottom, and work up. But you could also have to go from the top and work down, or just kind of have a scattered activities. So if they have, like, 4 or 5 activities, they could complete it in whichever order, What’s best for them. 23:42 When opening the app after the initial use. So once you have set up at least your first schedule, you can click Show Today for today’s schedule, or use the arrows to look at past or upcoming schedules. This is obviously very helpful. We don’t want to necessarily open up to whatever. The last thing we worked on was, we want students to open this up and see what they have to do today. 24:06 Though, I do find it helpful to use these two little arrows here, to be able to go back and forth between schedules, in case, if the student needs to double-check what they did yesterday, in case they missed something for whatever reason, or simply to see what was under scheduled the previous day. 24:26 You can click on all tasks to return to your to-do list. 24:30 Here, you can use Edit, Add, and Modify, or Delete Tasks. So you can, if you decide that you need to have a full task analysis for your first activity, and your schedule, you can go in and put those steps in. To make it a full task analysis, you can modify, if you want to switch around the tasks, or just delete tasks, if it’s a test that’s no longer being worked on. 24:55 So, as I mentioned, that was an example of using the Can plan to complete a functional living activity, but here’s an example of using Ken Plan app to help with homework. And this is a very easy to use app once you start like this entire work schedule I have put together in less than five minutes, after only utilizing for minutes. 25:20 Also, as you can see here, first, this student is going to do their homework. This is just an image that I pulled off the Internet. So, I just did a quick search, saved it in my phone, under my pictures for homework, and then was able to upload it onto the app. 25:39 Next, I want the students to do their math homework, again, just a simple math image from the Internet. 25:47 Following that, the students kind of do their spelling homework. 25:52 Very important, Especially with the amount of virtual instruction, or at home instruction, that we’re going to be doing, as teachers and his parents, too, to make sure that we scheduled breaks for our students, no matter what level they’re at. The burnout rate can be high. And we don’t want to forget, part of the anxiety that our students will be experiencing, is not having that few minutes in between switching activities. You’re switching versus to talk to their friends, or take your breath, or whatever. So don’t feel bad about putting. You know, take a 15 minute break in there, especially, if it’s activities that students are completing independently. 26:34 Then we have a student come back to do their reading homework. 26:39 To do their science homework, and then they have come to the end of the task. 26:45 So, that was an example of just having a schedule, but I could have put a test analysis in there, if it was needed. So, like, let’s say, if I go back to Science, and I was having the students complete the very basic, like, make an ad hoc lava lamp with oil, and alka seltzer, and some food coloring. I could put each step in there that I want the students to complete for how to do the activity. I did utilize this with my students as we went to, at home instruction, including putting in, like, somebody’s test analysis stands, and I’ve got good feedback, not just from the students, but from the parents as well. 27:26 Because, you know, the parents were not sure exactly how to complete these activities. Even myself, you know, my oldest daughter is going into middle school. So it’s hard for me to remember some of the math. She’s doing some time, so had, I had a, kind of a break down step by step, or she did, it would’ve been really helpful to have complete. 27:49 Just wanted to talk a little bit more about task analysis, especially in regards to technology, because it’s such a useful way to teach technology and to assess it. So, it can be used as a formative assessment, is instantaneous feedback. So, typically, in school, a lot of times, we’ll utilize what’s known as a summative assessment, in, which that means, will give instruction, and then we will have a quiz, or a test. where we see, like, how did the students do after getting this instruction form of assessment. 28:21 Which is what a text analysis is, is completed as the student is doing the activity. So, I could be looking at student doing the activity and using my test analysis to gage how well they did on that activity, were they able to do each step independently? Did they need more help to figure out a way to complete it by referring to her notes, you know, unquote information we can get from that. We also would have instantaneous feedback. 28:49 So one of the biggest things that can cause anxiety for students is not getting the feedback. I’m sure any teacher here has been asked when they’re going to get a test back or witnessed, you don’t know how they did on a project. If we’re using a formative assessment, like a task analysis, we can tell the students how they were doing a project as they’re doing a project. 29:11 So the feedbacks, instantaneous, quick feedback. Again, it can help to improve performance, because we’re modifying what we’re doing as the students doing it, and instruction. And again, reducing anxiety, the studios are gonna get quick feedback. They know that if they had difficulty with a step in the task, that we’re there to help them, or somebody’s there to help them, or we have technology there to help them as they’re going through. 29:35 Task analysis also allows for inter rater reliability, which can lead to better instruction in confidence building. So, as a, for instance, let’s say, if we’re have used to complete a task, and it’s the same activity at school on Monday, Tuesday, and at home on Thursday, Friday. I, as a teacher, can score how the student does, and then I can ask the parent or sibling of the student to score the same activity utilizing the same task analysis. 30:05 The two of us are pretty close to how we’re seeing the student performed. Didn’t even know that instruction seems to be going pretty well and that it’s consistent in generalization from school to home. If there is a difference difference between my score and the parents score. one way or the other. Then we can say like well what’s the difference here as a student. To a better home because maybe they’re more confident at home or maybe there’s something in the environment that we’re not aware of it’s helping the student out. So for instance, if we are working with, say, like a kindergartner who was working on colors, and mom or dad didn’t realize that they had color chart up on the refrigerator. But when the student was working there, They were able to utilize that to get their colors, But couldn’t do it at home. At school. Because we didn’t have that color chart up, Those are types of things that we can find out from utilizing a task analysis task. Analysis can also be used as a function of self assessment. 31:00 So, lot of us probably do this all the time, when we’re doing activity, will kind of be seeing how we did on each step of the activity. And then we can see, like, am I doing well with this, am I not doing well with this? Then change as we’re going. It all, it’s an excellent skill. I will often have my students couldn’t work sites, for instance. Try to assess themselves. 31:25 Because we’re not always going to have a job coach there, but we’re that we’re going to be, or have to work independently to complete whatever their job, or conversely, if you’re teaching in a classroom, you’re not always going to be there with the student, again. In this new world that we’re in, you might not have your student every day. So we want the students to be able to assess themselves, see where that they are, not so strong, and so that you can extra help, and additionally, where they are strong, because it can build confidence in what you’re doing. 31:58 This is an example of a task analysis that I had utilized this summer. So what I did is, I gave all of my students a list of activities that they can complete at work sites that I know I had set up. And I put it into a Google Doc. 32:14 With the Google Sheets, we’ve preprogram formulas in to help the students track their progress. 32:21 So, in this case, it was like, say, they’re going to be blocking items on the shelf from the front of a shock normally matter, or re-order shelf. So similar materials placed together. The students were to score themselves with a two, if they aren’t able to do the task by themselves, or one, if they needed help with, He can also give themselves … wasn’t available. So in this case, these are not real students scores. I just put these in But by making this in Google Docs and then sharing a copy with each student, I was able to see how they’re doing on these activities each day. 32:57 And the student was able to see how they’re doing on the activity as well because their average score using the pre-program formula would show them how they’re going up or down in there ability to complete the task. 33:10 So, I can’t emphasize enough how helpful Google Classroom can be. For. many of you are familiar with that. But if we can set up activities where students are accessing themselves through something like this, I found extremely helpful. Not only are we helping to include parents and students into the assessment process, we’re giving the students some ownership over what you’re doing, through the technology that we’re utilizing. And from our perspective, when it comes time to do grades, it’s very easy to look and say, like, oh, this is how I saw the student doing. This is how mom or dad saw the student to install the themselves. Student during an average score from there were plenty of data to support exactly where the student is, and again, review generalization from there. 33:57 Um, next, they’ll be going over a bunch of different apps for a bunch of different age levels, as well as for different instructional. 34:10 Classes. So I know we talked a lot about what to do with anxiety. 34:15 So if you have younger students or younger children, breathe, Think, Do With Sesame is a very good anxiety reducing app. 34:26 So in case this comes up in a blind questions already talked about with Christine, I have no idea who the Sesame Street Monster is. So if anybody knows thinking posted, I greatly appreciate it. But this is another free app. It teaches students how to plan out events problem, solve, stay, persistent and Learn self-control. And, again, all these apps are linked here. 34:50 So this app helps young students by breaking down and dealing with anxiety from a task analysis perspective, And it’s not going to say it’s a task analysis, but it’s a task analysis. 35:01 So in this case, it’s interactive for the students, and also works a bit like a game. So especially for younger children, this can be fine. So see here and written directions. They were simply tap on the monster to calm him down if they indicated … stressed. 35:18 There, we then do kind of a fun little game, the pop these bubbles. And depending on how much she was feeling and what options are we decided to put in there as parents for educators, it can give the students some plans to help deal with their stress. So, for instance, maybe this, this guy needs to calm down, we’re gonna pop these bubbles, and these would all they do have a key to see what these activities are in the app. So, it might be like, on student can go for a walk. Maybe students need to sit down and take a few deep breaths. Minute students just need some quiet time, but all different choices that can be used to deal with anxiety. They also do you have examples in there for like, anger or sadness to, depending on what the students dealing with. 36:04 This, I found that very helpful app, for all age levels, the calm meditation and sleep. So, I know that for myself, for my daughters, from my students, that as we’ve been in this new age of virtual instruction, that my sleep pattern and all of their sleep patterns has been all over the place. So, people staying up later, it’s harder to get up on time. Our sleep patterns are just a mess. 36:31 This is an app that can really help out with those issues in multiple ways. So, as a teacher, I have recommended this to my students as well, especially if they say to me, like, you know, mister Dan, I’ve really been having trouble getting asleep. Sorry. I’m not able to wake up and making sure your class on time, or even a bigger issue for me. 36:51 It would be like, if my students are having difficulty with their sleep patterns to make you to work on time that, I really want to do whatever I can to help them out to You get their sleep patterns back and check. So this app, the com app, offers different forms of meditation to help with anxiety, depression, and insomnia. So I’m not going to go through the entire app like I did for the app, because you guys now have the method of how to break things down. But this is just an example of some of the things that the app can do. Similar show you how to meditate. If meditating is something that you shouldn’t be helpful for you. Your child or your student. Easy depression, anxiety release, So these will do things. 37:38 … 37:38 Zeid, he released one, I found extremely helpful for students going in for a presentation, or for a job interview, where one of the things that we talk about here is taking a deep breath for NaN in, then a deep breath for NaN. And what that does is to help slow down some of our cognitive processes. 38:01 So that if we are going to speak and we’ll make sure we’re not speaking too fast, it’s a good thing to do before that occurs. So Like, I, myself before, giving this presentation And try this to make sure I’m not speaking too fast, conversely. It also helps us to focus. So if you have students who, you know, is going to have to give a presentation like a virtual presentation for a social studies project, Let’s say, if they were used as the head of time to do, that, deep breathing helps focus their thoughts so that they can speak more clearly, and more easily. 38:36 And then for the sleep part, they have these sleep stories, which are just different stories, that they will go over with an hour reader and some background music. For me, for instance, I found a while ago that when I have trouble sleeping, if I put on the history channel, the narrator there is voice is very soothing. It helps me sleep. But then I’d have to wake up and turn on my TV later. In this cases, you can see, for instance, they have this exploring Easter Island. 39:08 Video that can be washed. So, and so it is cool, too, because you can also learn as you’re doing it, so you can learn about Easter Island as it’s helping you to fall asleep. 39:16 Or you can listen to and learn about a waterfall, or nightfall, or whatever the case might be. So highly Recommended App, Stop, Breathe, and Think app. This is a free app that gives students the ability to identify, and processed, or emotions. A lot of these apps, and this is a good one for this, also Reinforce, is chosen by giving them rewards for activities successfully completed. So, I’m sure you all have students or children yourself that are playing all kinds of mobile games, like my kids play Pokemon Go. So, the more that they play the game, the more rewards they get for playing the game. These apps will give them rewards to, so it does help to be a bit more reinforcing, a little bit of applied behavior analysis in there, so student does the activity they get reinforced for, doing activity in addition to learning new skill. So, I love whenever we can tie those types of things into technology. 40:12 So, here’s an example. This is again for younger students we will get some stuff for older students soon But this is a step by step task analysis for how to deal with emotions are So, in this case, the students have a variety of emotions in the form of faces. You might also see something similar to this in a doctor’s office or a pediatrician’s office Or it might say like my pain level is the one where the person it’s kind of smiling all the way to attend where they’re like screaming. But in this case, it’s like does the person to over the happy. Are they laughing hysterically? Are they calm or they anxious are they worried or they sad or Angry? 40:49 Someone’s student pigs, how they feel, will get a short video about what they can do for that activity. So, in this case, the students are happy, felt happy. So, this video was just kind of showing them, that, oh, well, if you’re happy, and we’ve got a few minutes, we can just kind of sit down and enjoy it. And if they’re able to do that, then they can do a little sticker over here would be the reward and then they can build up stickers as they go. 41:17 Smiling mind at this is for ages 7 to 18. So do you want to make sure we hit like our high school students? So this is another free app. It’s for middle school and high school students, or even for adults, and offers methods to deal with stress and social pressure. So, a lot of anxiety comes from social pressure. 41:38 Com, again, in this new age where students don’t have a lot of the social relations, they would typically have for anxiety, they’re not able to participate. Or the way they used to, they’re not able to interact with the friends the way they had used to. So, I did find this to be helpful in dealing with those things they’ve even had like a few new suggestions updated into this app for like the Kobe 19. Well that we now live in. 42:05 So, here’s just an example of what you can see on the SAMHSA. Start your mind furnished journey today, And as you can see, they have different types of programs, adults, kids, and youth, families, classroom at work, even for other languages. I’ve usually at work one, for some of my students, a place at work. I’ve used the family won’t be caused by family driving me nuts, to some extent, over the past few months, I’m sure I’m driving them nuts. So there’s different suggestions in here for how to deal with your family at home and to be aware of yourself. So like, it’s helped me to become more aware of things that I’m doing to increase the ID of my daughters, as we’ve all been stuck at home the past few months. 42:48 As you can say, it seems like a 10 minute a day thing. And similar to the care plan app, you can set up reminders for yourself. 42:55 I didn’t find this app to be as in depth in terms of like making a visual schedule or a task analysis for instructional purposes, as they can plan app. However, for social skills and dealing with anxiety in dealing with social stress. I found this app to be better than they can play an app for meeting those needs. 43:21 Um, I wanted to cover a few apps to help out with Dyslexia. 43:27 With what’s going on the world today, It is obviously very stressful, anytime we turn on the news for both us and our students, and our children. And one way to reduce anxiety and to be engaged in the community, is to utilize this Pocket app. 43:43 So with the parking app, is, it’s a free app where you can pick different types of topics that you’d like to pop up in your News feed every day. And what I really like about the Pocket app is that it doesn’t really skew things to the left or the right, in terms of news. It’s basically, just the facts. So, for instance, today in my Pocket app came up that Kamala Harris is going to be Joe Biden’s Vice President …. So, with the pocket update, it was just basically show me information on what Kamala Harris is done without any input from people who are skewed one way or the other. And so for our students, that can be extremely helpful, where it’s just information is, it’s also good for social skills, again, for students that I place of work, especially in a place like a student with autism at work. 44:36 They might have difficulty with soft skills at work, like, when they are in the lunchroom or one on a break as far as engaging with their fellow co-workers. So, one thing that we might all talk about is what’s going on in the world, and news. So, I have the students kind of like utilizes just or they have a basic understanding of what’s going on, not just in terms of politics as well, also cover things, like the Covert Issue that we’re currently have a or a few weeks ago. 45:04 There was a lot on the social movements going on, so that the students that were at work were able to engage in conversations with their co-workers on those things, if it wants to come up. 45:16 Pocket App was kind enough to put a task analysis into their app. So I’ll just go through this. See, right now, when you first open up, your list is empty. You can learn how to put what you are looking for, or what you want your student child’s look for into the app. 45:32 And then you just follow the instructions, and yeah, so you can enable it to see from Safari, or Twitter, or whatever you decide. But the default again, is basically just straight up news feed. 45:46 You can copy URLs. If you want to look at something later, I’m not going to read this whole thing to you guys, again, you can go back and look at it later. 45:54 1 two. 45:56 And again, you just continue to follow the instructions in the app. You can copy URL to your clipboard, and you can share it. If you want your students to discuss certain news topic, you can have, like, a small group put together and say, student, A, I want you to find a topic, read it, talk about it with student B Senate. The student B, student B is going to take that same information. 46:17 And free represented students, see, maybe, for instance, just to say, like, make sure that students know what you’re looking at, and reading it down the line as you watch them online, or whatever the case might be. 46:31 In this case, you just find an article you want and click on it. 46:34 It does also have the ability to read the article to the students, which, again, super helpful for any students with any sort of reading issue. I made sure to highlight this one, about how they got all 12 kids paid for college, because I’m struggling with two. I’m sure, so anybody else out there with kids, you’re thinking about college? Maybe check this article out? 46:58 And then we can listen to the article. So if you have the app open, we can listen to the article, which is good. So not only can students read the article, but if they’re going on the bus, and they want to listen to something they can, or if there’s walking or whatever, they can listen to the article. 47:15 one thing I found very helpful for students facing the stress of high school level research papers is this site and app. So I haven’t worked with students who are taking college courses right now. 47:30 And they were very stressed by having to do research papers, because research papers is something that it’s difficult to do. And, you know, a lot of us have had to do that, but citations can be the most difficult part to make sure it’ll be properly site our work because we want to make sure that our students aren’t improperly citing or plagiarizing work. 47:52 So, in this case, using site in, which is not an app, it’s a website, can generate a proper citation, an APA, MLA, or even Chicago style. 48:05 To utilize this website, You would just go to the website, enter the information, into the proper categories, and choose, which dilute before APA, MLA, or Chicago. 48:18 So, in this case, I put the name of an author, the title, Year of publication, Place of Publication, and the Publisher. 48:27 And here’s the citation. 48:29 Easy is that So, this was Matthew 20 15 Khmer Scourge of the …, New Zealand severed pressed. And this is what my in text citations booklets, and get this Bibliography, and in text citation styles. Don’t put a shameless plug for my own book in here, but Christine did a much better job of it than I could. So, there it is, and we’ll just move on from there. 48:52 These are some apps that I’ve utilized for students with dysgraphia and even worse than that, I’ve worked with many speech therapist, and even more so, occupational therapist, who have really found success with these two apps. one is wet dry trying, which is available for iPad and Android, and the other is snap a type which is available for iPad. So, wet dry tried, this program allows students to work on making letters, numbers, and signs with your fingers First. The program presents reversals by having a smiley face in the corner of the screen which will smile as long as a student who’s making a letter or number in the correct orientation. Once the students stopped doing that it won’t sound anymore so they don’t have to go back and self Correct? 49:39 Additionally, once a student masters creating a target with their fingers there, and then encouraged to try the same target with the stylus. So it’s a good scaffolding system where we go from fingers to using stylists and then hopefully transfer that over to paper. 50:00 Snap Type, This app allows students to take a photo of a worksheet, They can then tap on the screen where they need to add taxed. Once a tap one area, they can either type in their answers, or use your fingers to write answers, and once the worst is complete, student be able to print out the worksheet wiki answers on it. 50:20 So, again, this can be very helpful for students during this time, remote instruction. So we can take a photo of a worksheet, send it to the students, or send their students to worksheet, and they can take a photo. And then utilizing this app, they can type in their answers, or use your fingers ready answers, and then getting printed worksheet is sent back to us. 50:46 Um, these are some apps for outdoor and in home instruction. Again, I know a lot of anxiety is coming from how are we as teachers, going to be able to tell all the time for students, especially when they’re not going to be in the classroom the whole time. These are some apps that I’ve found useful for different methods of instruction that are easy to use outdoors or at home. So, even to it for in a classroom where high school has been recommended, if we can to plant some outdoor activities because it reduces the chances of passing on Cove it. So you’re a teacher who utilize some of these apps outside, and you have the ability to do so, This might be something that can help you out. 51:31 The first one is for math instruction, and it’s called error measure. 51:35 It’s an app that allows students to use your phones, taking measurements of objects and areas around them, is a fantastic app for learning area and perimeter, as well as showing practical applications for those skills. So. 51:53 I view devices for students where I’ve given an assignment to go home and this is a great example right here. To find the area of a room in their house. 52:01 So what they do is they take your phone They point at one corner, and then they click Drag the phone over to the next corner, click again, and it makes the first line for them. They then click again Take this to the next corner and complete that for the entire room and then it will give the students what the area and perimeter of the room is you can also show them how it’s a practical application for things like hanging a picture so I want to make sure that this picture that I’m hanging on my wall is in the dead center of my law. How do I do that? Why can utilize this app to determine exactly where that would be? What’s the midpoint of this wall? 52:38 You can also use it for things, like measuring a person’s height, stuff like that, so just an excellent math app that can be utilized. Saint Net is a really fun app. This app allows the students to take pictures of the various plants, new community, and then identify what type of plants they have photographed. 53:00 So if you’re a science teacher, and you want to incorporate what kind of plants are in this around the student’s house, and you want to get them up moving, so I’m an outside. This is a great activity. Or if you can go outside your classroom and take pictures, this is great. It will also tell you if plants aren’t supposed to be there. For instance, likely, one of my neighbors had Planet Bamboo, which for people who don’t know, is extremely invasive. 53:26 So when we took a picture with plant net of the bamboo, it came up that it was not native to this community and gave information about how bamboo is an invasive species that can actually push out native plants. 53:41 So it started a very good science halfway, in terms, Star Walk is a very interesting app for science teachers, again, and this can also give you some cross content. So, what Star Walke is is you take an app and you just put it into the night sky, and it’ll show you what’s up there. It’ll show you what’s constellations you’re looking at. It can show you if there are things in the sky that might like the planet. 54:10 Venus, for instance, or if there was a satellite or space station overhead, and then there’s the cross content’s great here. So, for instance, my daughters and I, we happen to see cancer when it was out of scrap and we didn’t know what cancer watts. So with a great opportunity, then, to use this app to explain what cancer is in the sky. So it turns out that cancer is a crab related to the legend of Hercules where he was putting the hydra. and apparently Harrison describe to go try to stop him from defending the hydra. So, just a neat little cross there with a mythology teaching in addition to the astronomy, and also presented an excellent opportunity. For instance, one time indicated a satellite was going to the overhead, and it was much brighter than the other stars in the sky. And you can see a movie. So was an excellent opportunity for my donors to talk about critical thinking skills and say, for instance, like, Oh, wow. 55:08 You know, I know there’s like an increase report of unidentified flying objects, sometimes, when satellites happened to come into view. And now, I can see why people might think that, because if you just look up in the sky, and you see something really bright, that’s moving kind of against the clouds. And, you know, it’s not an airplane. 55:26 That’s why people could be confused. But if we were to utilize our research method like this app, we can see oh, it’s nothing, out of the ordinary, choose the satellite that’s up in the sky. 55:38 Times tables rock stars, another great math app. So this isn’t an app, the students work through games to learner timetables. And it gives them rewards as they progress, mainly to customize their rockstar here. So, my daughters of this, they’re going in a second grade and sixth grade, so I had my user, previously, my younger daughter now. 56:02 But, they love being able to do their timetable if they’re learning it, but then the reinforcement, then applied behavior analysis on it of being able to modify the Rockstar, they get a bandana, they get a new HR, you can get like a saxophone. different clothes, whatever, again, is just reinforcing them doing these activities. 56:23 Then for any foreign language teachers we have, I’ve found Duolingo is an excellent language learning app. It teaches and reinforces numerous languages, Spanish, French, German name. 56:36 If you have actually been utilize this myself, where my neighbors on either side of me speak mainly Portuguese. So I’ve been using this app a little bit. Just wanted to converse with them and try to learn a little bit about them in their language, and then it opens up a nice door where they’re, You know, talk to be some weren’t helped me out to learn the language. So it’s been very good for that. This also works like a video game. So again, with some of that applied behavior analysis and reinforce it makes them to me, or you start out with so many like hearts or lives like a student with a video game. And if they happen to lose those five hearts, they’re done for the day of shut down. But they would pick up exactly where they had left off and for that day on the following day. So I do like that component. We’re, again, a lot of our children, and students are used to this format from playing games, So if we can carry that over, embedded into instruction, it’s just a very good thing. 57:32 So quick review, visual schedules and a form test analysis can be used to reduce anxiety by allowing students to see what’s expected of them, and how to complete a task. They can plan app, is an app, or to allow you to create a visual schedule and the task analysis, utilizing pictures, video, and audio for students to the reading issues. Pocket helps students with reading issues by giving them access to print media and in audio format, and stay aware of current events. 58:02 For students with reading issues on the high school, …, cited in website can really help with citations, wet, dry, and try to help students with dysgraphia, to learn to make letters and numbers, and snap type can help students with dysgraphia. So that is it for me. So you guys have any questions. I’m not sure how to turn this back over to Christina, if you know what I have to click. 58:30 I could tell you all the … Grab control of the green. Yes, thank you so much math. That was awesome. And we have gotten a number of questions so that we can get to a few. Getting a little bit late to look at as many as we can. Real quick, Important, update. Apparently, the Sesame Street monster is simply Blue Monster. Thank you for the dedicated Webinars gave us that information. So the first question was regarding potentially using an alternative visual calendar that’s not on a device. So is that something, are there any downsides to using something that is not on a device or particular challenges with using the device, any thoughts on that? 59:14 So, I’m not sure I understand the question. We’re talking about using a calendar that’s just like a paper based calendar or laminate one. Or we’re talking about taking a calendar that is like that and putting it into the device. 59:27 I think we’re looking at something that is not on the device at all. So, are there kind of comparing and contrasting, using a device versus not a device? 59:36 That totally depends on the student. That’s an excellent question. So you always want to go with whatever the student is most comfortable with. So if this student or child is more comfortable with something that’s not technology based, then definitely go with something that’s not technology based. If you find your student or child has an aptitude for technology and it’s reinforcing for them, then utilize that one. So it’s certainly a case by case basis. 1:00:03 Great. 1:00:04 So, another question regarding the formative assessment, and wondering if that ever causes anxiety in and of itself, in certain students. 1:00:13 A candidate first, if you don’t explain to them what you are doing. So, for instance, if I’m just standing next to a student, I use myself an example in a workspace. So if I don’t tell students when I go on to do a worksite visitation, oh, that I’m scoring them and that I’m not only scoring them to get an assessment, but to help them out, it can cause stress if I’m just standing there quietly and checking off members as I go. If, before they go out, or before I start the assessment, I explained to him, like, Hey, I’m here. What I’m going to be doing is checking off how you do on each step in this activity. If you need help, I’ll be here to help you out, and then we’ll also know where you need help. 1:00:54 So, that way, I can go back later and help you out with, also, the key part about … assessments is typically performed at a much higher frequency than a summative assessment, and that’s important for students to understand as well. So, for instance, if we do in a form of assessment, on the one hand, we come back 2 or 3 days later, and perform that seemed formative assessment, and then get an average score from those assessments. Aren’t typically, actually, I’d use. Did you like more, like a month’s worth of assessments, and then take that square? But if I let the student know that ahead of time, it usually helps to reduce anxiety. But it’s like anything, if we explain to the students ahead of time what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, it seems to me. 1:01:36 Great, thank you. We had another interesting question. Regarding assistive technology, for folks with Dyslexia. 1:01:44 Wondering about students that have Dyslexia also have text that might cause them some problems when they’re reading? So for example, if a child has a tick that causes them to jump lines or after read words in lines over again, other than the pocket app that you went over, is there anything else you can think of that might be able to help a student like that? 1:02:05 As far as like, an app, that helps to read ahead of time. Well, there is some basic ones like Audible, which is available from Amazon. So I use an older example. An artist, an example here, if a student has like a textbook that they’re studying, or a college course, or high level, high school course, you might be able to purchase that app on Audible. When I can do, Though is I’ll see if I can find any more apps and put them in a blog later going forward, or websites or whatever we can. 1:02:36 Great, Appreciate that. 1:02:39 So another question about wondering if there are any particular challenges when you’re using mobile technology with students in the classroom, is that ever destruction? Or are there any other challenges that come up? That’s an excellent question. So, I’ve been utilizing mobile technology now with my class for the past four years. 1:02:59 So, it’s like any class, We want to establish rules ahead of time. So, some of those rules would be things like, we’re going to utilize this for instructional purposes. Obviously, not for games, and then, or for social media would be, you know, a very good example of an issue that could come up. 1:03:20 So that would be something nice to have found, that, look, if you are going to not utilized correctly, who’s going to be consequences, which may include, like, you’re no longer able to use that technology, or you have to do some other foreign instruction. So, for instance, again, I can use myself as an example. When I’m using they can plan out and having students realize there’s a worksite. I really have to emphasize ahead of time that we’re not utilizing this when you’re on a job. To look up your Twitter feed. You know, this is for you to utilize to complete steps, And, like, in that case, I’ll give the employer heads up to the Hey, they’re utilizing this technology for instructional purposes, 20 the classroom. 1:04:00 I am constantly moving around the classroom to check to make sure that students are utilizing technology properly and not for activities that is not required for if you have the right school to. You can get something where they can limit what they’re able to do. For instance, at my school, we will have Kindles which only have very basic access. But, again, it’s something that’s working with an administrator ahead of time. But, yeah, that’s a good question. I mean, that’s always a problem with anything new. we introduce technology. 1:04:32 In particular, and unfortunately, the students usually don’t worry about the video as a teacher, so it’s always trying to keep up with them in that respect. 1:04:41 All right. 1:04:41 Thank you. 1:04:42 So another question that came up is very interesting ones that are kind of wondering if we’re using all these different technologies to help children. So that they don’t necessarily have to type if there’s hairdressing, handwriting issues, or, you know, it listening allowed versus reading, you know, do you see any challenges they might have to face? When they’re adults, when they may have to use some of these skills. So for instance, if we’re teaching them to handwrite as oppose to type there there can be challenges that’s a very good question. But there’s there’s modifications to get around that. 1:05:24 So for instance, I have a very good friends, who’s a fellow writer like me. He has Asperger’s syndrome. So he will sometimes have difficulty focusing when he’s trying to type because he has to think about the story he’s writing as well as keep on what he is typing out. So for him, he has utilized the program. I want to say, it’s Dragon Fly, where he can speak, and his computer all types for him. So, yes, it’s another good question, I do think that there can be issues going forward, but there can be workarounds for it as well. 1:06:05 I also think, me, how much do we see in the past few months? More technology has become such a bigger part of society in general, for schools to work for whatever, that there’s new things that we can utilize to hopefully meet the needs of the majority of people going forward. So, if the typing skill is, is not taught there. 1:06:28 And we can use, like, a text speech to text, rather, application to help fill that hole as just one, for instance. 1:06:39 Great. So, I think we have time for one more question, so we have someone who was wondering if you have any suggestions or experiences with the collaborations aspect between families and teachers. So, if parents at home are interesting, utilizing some of these technologies, in the class experience, how do they work with the teacher? Or how if the teacher on the other end is the one who wants to introduce some of these technologies, how do they kind of work with the parents that they’re all the same page? Yeah, that’s a great question. So what I found is that I have utilized several of these apps that you can plan. For instance, I utilize this summer. I give the example of utilizing that Google Sheets to do the task analysis. 1:07:24 Also, this past summer, I had my students do things like utilize an online database to sell back books that they had at home. I had them utilize multiple databases for filling out job applications. But, in order to make sure that the parents are involved, one thing that helps out is extremely detailed task analysis. Like, they can play an app. one that I had showed you guys first. The parent has that. It’s very helpful for them to follow. The step by step instructions, also with Google Classroom, is that I basically set up two classrooms, one for my students, and one, where I can have parents participate, as well, just in terms of, like viewing. 1:08:08 So, when I was doing initial instruction, the parents are able to sit there and look at what I was showing the students as well, And then jump in with any questions they had. In my case, I do work with students in this. This summer. I had students with behavioral disabilities and learning disabilities. So it was helpful to have, especially for the students with learning disabilities, The parents sit there and see what I’m showing the students how to complete the activity, and then, again, send them like a detailed task analysis with visuals, if need be to complete the activity. 1:08:44 Oh, and also like that, the Google Docs was very helpful in terms of again, like the inter rater reliability. So what I would do is set up like multiple tabs for that, or Google Sheets, actually, for the Google Sheets, instead of multiple tabs. one for myself, one for the student, one for the parent. After, I was able to see what they were reporting as well. And then set up a conference if we need it to you, if there’s, like, a large difference between how ISOO students progressing when I was doing the virtual instruction, and how the parents, all the students are progressing, where the student themselves are themselves progressing as a complete the activity. 1:09:22 Great. So, I said that was the last question, but, you know, I just want to backtrack once. I did have kind of a follow up, are clarifying question on a previous questions, where we were kind of discussing moving forward out of the school setting. And if we’re using all these different technologies, now, how will that affect them as an adult? So just, I’m just gonna read directly, as this person wrote it. So the question is, around, Will the students face issues as adults, or is what we’re teaching them using these technologies? Is it usable as adults? 1:09:55 Yes, definitely, I think so. A lot of the technologies that I incited either using with students who are technically postgraduate because there are 18 to 21 and N transition Program, or I, myself or utilize them. So, I found my ID. 1:10:13 They can plan and Pocket apps to be very helpful. Apps for me, or, like I had mentioned, the meditation app is a very functional app. I think it’s extremely important. With any new technology, we’re introducing to think, how is this going to be functional. So, we don’t just wanted to be a bridge because we’re not able to see the students in person as much as we want. We want it to be a functional skill that the student is learning. So we can have that technology, be a functional skill. We can have a transition to work, or to college or to social skills, then. Yes, you can absolutely be utilized as adults going forward. 1:10:56 Great, thank you. And I just, you know, I’ve got a couple of comments regarding the app. You mentioned, whether you were speaking about the Dragon Fly app, or the Dragon Naturally Speaking App for voice to text, If you know which one that was. 1:11:09 I believe it’s Dragon fly. But I can check with my friends and it’s something that he utilizes and find out, for sure, and post it in the blog later on, if that’s good. 1:11:20 Great, thank you. And so that is going to conclude our question and answer portion. We really appreciate everybody coming. We will be having any questions we did not get to up on our blog, as we mentioned. So Matt can answer them sometime within the next seven days. 1:11:37 Yes, thank you, everybody for coming tonight. I really appreciate it. 1:11:42 Yes, thank you all for joining our webinar on assistive technology to help with anxiety. There is an exit survey, which we will need everyone in and attending to fill out. The webinar blog is open and available for the next seven days on the … website, and any additional questions that were not covered by tonight’s presentation, or that you have now. You can post their That website is WWW dot N J C T S dot org. Also, an archived recording of tonight’s webinar will be posted to our website, Our next presentation, In these Uncertain Times: Returning to School in an Age of Anxiety, will be presented by doctor Eric … and is scheduled for August 26, 2020. This ends tonight’s webinar. Thank you, Matt, for your presentation. And, thank you, everyone for attending. Goodnight.
Matthew Dennion says:
August 14, 2020 at 5:48 pmFor the person who was asking about the Speech to Text question. I followed up with an author who uses the technology and he suggested Dragon Home. It’s available on Amazon. Link Below
K. Perez says:
August 18, 2020 at 2:32 pmWith neurodiverse students, staying on task can sometimes be a challenge in and of itself. What are Matt’s thoughts as an alternative visual calendar that’s not on a device?
Matthew Dennion says:
August 19, 2020 at 2:02 pmExcellent question! Instruction should always be geared toward the needs of a the student. If the application of an alternative calendar that is not on device will best fit the needs of a student than the student should utilize that calendar.
TBettencourt says:
August 18, 2020 at 2:38 pmHow can we collaborate between teachers, parents, support staff, and students to ensure the optimal use of anxiety reducing technology?
Matthew Dennion says:
August 19, 2020 at 2:18 pmThe first step in reaching this goal is to take the steps needed to make sure everyone involved in using the technology in question has clear and concise directions on how to use that technology and what the technology is used for. Giving everyone a clear Task Analysis on how to utilize the technology in question is a good way to meet this goal. It’s not a bad idea either to take a low tech approach to initially getting everyone access to these directions. The idea of printing out the directions and giving a physical copy to all of those involved will make it easy for them to access the directions. Following that step setting up something like a google program where all of those involved can post questions and examples of their progress with using the technology is a good idea. An example of this might be setting a google sheets with the steps of the task analysis where everyone involved can score themselves on how they utilized the technology. This format will give the teacher a clear picture of where other’s using the technology may need additional support and the teacher can then focus in on those specific sections of the steps required to utilize the technology in question. If the people involved would struggle with utilizing google than again using a paper print out of the steps required that the individuals can score themselves on and then send back to the teacher is a very good approach to utilize as well.
CSmith says:
August 18, 2020 at 2:39 pmWhat are some of the benefits of using technology to create and follow a task analysis using an app on a phone over having the TA written out on a piece of paper?
Matthew Dennion says:
August 19, 2020 at 2:44 pmOne of the big benefits is that writing at Task Analysis (TA) utilizing technology is that the TA can be quickly and easily modified to best suit the students’ needs. So for instance, if a student is progressing well and can have several steps chunked together the teacher can access the app and make these changes for the student as opposed to making the changes on paper and then printing them up and saving some time. The other positive of having a TA on technology is that it helps our students to stand out less. As an example many jobs today have people using some form of tablet or mobile device as they are working. Many restaurants use tablets to take orders as opposed to pen and paper, many stores use tablets to take inventory as opposed to writing them down. Most people don’t think twice if they see someone using a mobile device at a job so having a student utilize technology will help them to not stand out as much if they are using a paper system The same concept can be applied to the classroom. If the student is using a tablet during instruction and requires a TA to complete his/her task having it appear on the tablet as opposed to giving them a written TA will help to keep the other students in the class from noticing the student in question is using TA and therefore help protect their privacy.
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